Funny Things to Write in a Wedding Card

Funny Things to Write in a Wedding Card

Crafting a wedding card that both expresses your joy for the couple and provides a touch of humor can be a delightful endeavor. While it's important to convey your best wishes, injecting some playful remarks can make the card even more memorable.

Remember to consider the couple's sense of humor and the overall tone of the wedding when selecting your funny remarks. The goal is to add a lighthearted touch without crossing the line into inappropriate territory.

In this article, we'll explore an assortment of witty and charming phrases that are suitable for a wedding card. From playful references to marriage and relationships to inside jokes that only the couple will appreciate, find inspiration for the perfect way to express your congratulations with a touch of laughter.

Funny Things to Write in a Wedding Card

Adding a touch of humor to your wedding card is a great way to make it more memorable. Here are a few funny things you can write:

  • Congratulations on finding your other half... now you just have to find a whole one.
  • Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all the hearts are red, but after a while, a few get black.
  • I'm not sure what's scarier: getting married or growing old. But hey, at least you two can do both together!
  • Remember, marriage is not just about finding the right person—it's about finding the right person to annoy for the rest of your life.
  • Congratulations on your wedding! May your marriage be full of love, laughter... and the occasional plumbing issue.
  • Marriage is a lot like a good book—once you get to the end, you just want to start over again.
  • I'm so happy for you two. Now you can finally stop dating other people and focus on making each other miserable.
  • May your marriage be like a fine wine—better with age.
  • Congratulations on your wedding! I'm so happy for you—and a little bit jealous. Just kidding... or am I?
  • Marriage is like a three-ring circus—there's always something new to see.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. When choosing what to write, be sure to consider the couple's sense of humor and the overall tone of the wedding.

Congratulations on finding your other half... now you just have to find a whole one.

This funny phrase plays on the idea that marriage is like finding your other half, but also acknowledges that no one is perfect. It's a lighthearted way to remind the couple that they're in this together, for better or for worse.

  • The "other half" metaphor: Marriage is often described as finding your "other half," implying that you're not complete without your partner. This phrase takes that metaphor literally, suggesting that the couple has only found half of what they need.
  • The humor in imperfection: The phrase also pokes fun at the idea that perfection is unattainable, even in marriage. It's a reminder that everyone has their flaws, and that's okay.
  • The importance of teamwork: The phrase implies that the couple will need to work together to find their "whole." This is a humorous way to remind them that marriage is a partnership, and that they're in it for the long haul.
  • The lighthearted tone: Overall, this phrase is meant to be lighthearted and humorous. It's a way to congratulate the couple on their wedding day while also acknowledging that marriage is not always easy.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a chuckle from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all the hearts are red, but after a while, a few get black.

This funny phrase compares marriage to a deck of cards. At the beginning of a marriage, everything is new and exciting, and all the hearts are red. But as time goes on, it's inevitable that some of the hearts will turn black.

There are a few different ways to interpret this phrase. One interpretation is that marriage is full of ups and downs. There will be good times and bad times, and it's important to be prepared for both. Another interpretation is that marriage requires compromise. In order to make a marriage work, both partners need to be willing to give and take.

Of course, this phrase is also meant to be humorous. It's a lighthearted way to remind the couple that marriage is not always easy, but it's worth it.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a chuckle from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Here are some additional points to consider about this phrase:

  • The metaphor of a deck of cards: A deck of cards is a common metaphor for life, and marriage is no exception. Just as a deck of cards has both red and black cards, marriage has both good and bad times.
  • The inevitability of change: The phrase "after a while, a few get black" acknowledges that change is inevitable in marriage. No matter how happy a couple is, there will be times when they disagree or experience difficulties.
  • The importance of resilience: The phrase also implies that marriage requires resilience. In order to weather the storms of life, couples need to be able to bounce back from setbacks and learn from their mistakes.

I'm not sure what's scarier: getting married or growing old. But hey, at least you two can do both together!

This funny phrase plays on the fears that many people have about getting married and growing old. It's a lighthearted way to remind the couple that they're not alone in their fears, and that they can face them together.

  • The fear of getting married: For some people, the thought of getting married can be daunting. They may worry about losing their independence, or they may be afraid of the responsibilities that come with marriage.
  • The fear of growing old: Growing old is a natural part of life, but it can also be scary. People may worry about losing their health, their independence, or their loved ones.
  • The comfort of doing it together: The phrase "at least you two can do both together" provides a sense of comfort. It reminds the couple that they're not alone in their fears, and that they can face them together.
  • The humor in the situation: Overall, this phrase is meant to be humorous. It's a way to acknowledge the fears that many people have about getting married and growing old, while also reminding them that they're not alone.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a chuckle from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Remember, marriage is not just about finding the right person—it's about finding the right person to annoy for the rest of your life.

This funny phrase takes a lighthearted look at the realities of marriage. It acknowledges that marriage is not always easy, but it's also worth it.

  • The importance of finding the right person: The phrase "finding the right person" is a common one in the context of marriage. It's important to find someone who you love, who you can trust, and who you can build a life with.
  • The reality of marriage: The phrase "to annoy for the rest of your life" is a more realistic take on marriage. Marriage is not always easy, and there will be times when you annoy your partner. However, it's important to remember that you love them, and that they love you.
  • The humor in the situation: Overall, this phrase is meant to be humorous. It's a way to acknowledge the realities of marriage, while also reminding couples that they're in it for the long haul.
  • The importance of communication: The phrase "to annoy for the rest of your life" can also be seen as a reminder of the importance of communication in marriage. It's important to be able to communicate your needs and wants to your partner, even when it's difficult.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a laugh from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Congratulations on your wedding! May your marriage be full of love, laughter... and the occasional plumbing issue.

This funny phrase offers a lighthearted take on the realities of marriage. It acknowledges that marriage is not always easy, but it's also full of love and laughter. And, of course, the occasional plumbing issue.

There are a few different ways to interpret this phrase. One interpretation is that marriage is full of ups and downs. There will be good times and bad times, and it's important to be prepared for both. Another interpretation is that marriage requires compromise. In order to make a marriage work, both partners need to be willing to give and take.

Of course, this phrase is also meant to be humorous. It's a way to remind the couple that marriage is not always easy, but it's worth it.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a chuckle from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Here are some additional points to consider about this phrase:

  • The importance of love and laughter: The phrase "full of love, laughter" is a reminder that love and laughter are essential ingredients for a happy marriage.
  • The inevitability of problems: The phrase "and the occasional plumbing issue" acknowledges that problems are inevitable in marriage. However, it's important to remember that these problems can be overcome with love, laughter, and a good sense of humor.
  • The importance of teamwork: The phrase "plumbing issue" can also be seen as a metaphor for the challenges that couples will face in marriage. It's important to remember that marriage is a team effort, and that couples need to work together to overcome challenges.

Marriage is a lot like a good book—once you get to the end, you just want to start over again.

This funny phrase compares marriage to a good book. Just as you want to start over again once you reach the end of a good book, so too do you want to start over again once you reach the end of marriage.

  • The cyclical nature of marriage: Marriage is often described as a journey. Just as a book has a beginning, a middle, and an end, so too does marriage. However, the end of marriage is not really the end. It's just the beginning of a new chapter.
  • The desire to relive the good times: Once you reach the end of a good book, you often want to go back and relive the experience. The same is true of marriage. Once you've experienced the joys of marriage, you often want to go back and relive those moments.
  • The comfort of the familiar: There's something comforting about rereading a good book. You know what to expect, and you can relax and enjoy the experience. The same is true of marriage. Once you've been married for a while, you know what to expect, and you can relax and enjoy the experience.
  • The hope for the future: Just as you hope for a happy ending when you start reading a good book, so too do you hope for a happy ending when you start a marriage. Marriage is a journey, and it's full of ups and downs. However, the hope for a happy ending is what keeps couples going.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a chuckle from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

I'm so happy for you two. Now you can finally stop dating other people and focus on making each other miserable.

This funny phrase takes a lighthearted look at the realities of marriage. It acknowledges that marriage is not always easy, but it's also worth it.

There are a few different ways to interpret this phrase. One interpretation is that marriage is a lot of work. It takes effort to make a marriage successful, and there will be times when couples disagree or argue.

Another interpretation is that marriage is a lot of fun. Even though there will be times when couples disagree or argue, there will also be times when they laugh and have fun together.

Overall, this phrase is meant to be humorous. It's a way to remind couples that marriage is not always easy, but it's worth it.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a chuckle from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Here are some additional points to consider about this phrase:

  • The importance of communication: The phrase "focus on making each other miserable" is a reminder of the importance of communication in marriage. It's important to be able to communicate your needs and wants to your partner, even when it's difficult.
  • The importance of compromise: The phrase "focus on making each other miserable" is also a reminder of the importance of compromise in marriage. It's important to be willing to compromise in order to make a marriage work.
  • The importance of love: The phrase "I'm so happy for you two" is a reminder of the importance of love in marriage. Love is what makes marriage worth it, even when times are tough.

May your marriage be like a fine wine—better with age.

This beautiful phrase compares marriage to a fine wine. Just as a fine wine improves with age, so too does marriage.

  • The aging process: Just as a fine wine needs time to age and develop its flavor, so too does marriage. Marriage is a journey, and it takes time for couples to grow and learn together.
  • The improvement over time: Just as a fine wine improves with age, so too does marriage. As couples spend more time together, they learn to appreciate each other more and their love grows stronger.
  • The enduring quality: Just as a fine wine can be enjoyed for many years, so too can marriage. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and it is meant to endure through the ups and downs of life.
  • The hope for the future: Just as we hope that a fine wine will continue to improve with age, so too do we hope that our marriages will continue to improve over time. Marriage is a journey, and we are always learning and growing together.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to be appreciated by the couple. It is a beautiful and meaningful way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Congratulations on your wedding! I'm so happy for you—and a little bit jealous. Just kidding... or am I?

This funny phrase takes a lighthearted look at the realities of marriage. It acknowledges that getting married can be a bit scary, but it's also a wonderful thing.

  • The fear of missing out: The phrase "I'm so happy for you—and a little bit jealous" is a playful way to acknowledge the fear of missing out that some people feel when their friends get married.
  • The joy of seeing others happy: The phrase "I'm so happy for you" is a genuine expression of joy. It's a way to let the couple know that you're happy for them and that you wish them all the best.
  • The uncertainty of the future: The phrase "just kidding... or am I?" is a humorous way to acknowledge the uncertainty of the future. Marriage is a big step, and it's natural to have some doubts and fears.
  • The hope for the best: The phrase "just kidding... or am I?" is also a way to express hope for the future. You're hoping that the couple will have a happy and successful marriage.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a chuckle from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.

Marriage is like a three-ring circus—there's always something new to see.

This funny phrase compares marriage to a three-ring circus. Just as there is always something new to see at a circus, so too is there always something new to learn and experience in marriage.

  • The variety of experiences: Marriage is full of variety. There are good times and bad times, happy times and sad times. There are also times when you'll laugh until your sides hurt and times when you'll cry until you can't breathe.
  • The constant surprises: Marriage is full of surprises. You never know what's going to happen next. One day, you might be arguing about who left the toilet seat up. The next day, you might be laughing together over a shared memory.
  • The never-ending learning: Marriage is a lifelong learning experience. You'll learn about yourself, your partner, and the world around you. You'll also learn how to communicate better, how to compromise, and how to forgive.
  • The enduring excitement: Marriage is an exciting adventure. There will be ups and downs, but the journey is always worth it. Marriage is a partnership, and it's meant to be enjoyed.

When used in a wedding card, this phrase is sure to get a chuckle from the couple and their guests. It's a funny and relatable way to wish them all the best on their new journey together.


Here are some frequently asked questions about writing funny things in a wedding card:

Question 1: What are some general tips for writing funny things in a wedding card?
Answer 1: When writing funny things in a wedding card, it's important to be respectful of the couple and their guests. Avoid making jokes that could be offensive or hurtful. It's also important to keep your jokes brief and to the point. Long, drawn-out jokes can be tedious and annoying.

Question 2: What are some specific examples of funny things to write in a wedding card?
Answer 2: Some specific examples of funny things to write in a wedding card include:

  • Congratulations on finding your other half... now you just have to find a whole one.
  • Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all the hearts are red, but after a while, a few get black.
  • I'm not sure what's scarier: getting married or growing old. But hey, at least you two can do both together!

Question 3: What if I'm not sure if my joke is funny?
Answer 3: If you're not sure if your joke is funny, it's best to err on the side of caution and leave it out. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Question 4: Can I write something funny even if I don't know the couple very well?
Answer 4: Yes, you can write something funny even if you don't know the couple very well. Just be sure to keep your joke general and inoffensive.

Question 5: What if I want to write something funny but I'm not a funny person?
Answer 5: If you want to write something funny but you're not a funny person, don't worry. There are plenty of resources available online that can help you write a funny joke.

Question 6: How long should my funny message be?
Answer 6: Your funny message should be brief and to the point. A few short sentences is all that's needed to get your point across.

Question 7: What if I can't think of anything funny to write?
Answer 7: If you can't think of anything funny to write, don't force it. It's better to write a sincere and heartfelt message than to try to be funny and fail.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

I hope this FAQ has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Now that we've covered some frequently asked questions, let's move on to some tips for writing funny things in a wedding card.


Here are four tips for writing funny things in a wedding card:

Tip 1: Be respectful
When writing funny things in a wedding card, it's important to be respectful of the couple and their guests. Avoid making jokes that could be offensive or hurtful.

Tip 2: Keep it brief
Long, drawn-out jokes can be tedious and annoying. Keep your jokes brief and to the point.

Tip 3: Use humor that the couple will appreciate
If you know the couple well, you can tailor your humor to their specific interests and sense of humor. However, if you don't know the couple very well, it's best to stick to general humor that everyone can appreciate.

Tip 4: Don't be afraid to be yourself
The best funny writing comes from the heart. Don't try to be someone you're not. Just be yourself and let your humor shine through.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

I hope these tips have been helpful. With a little practice, you'll be able to write funny things in a wedding card that will make the couple and their guests laugh.

Now that we've covered some tips for writing funny things in a wedding card, let's move on to some frequently asked questions.


Writing funny things in a wedding card can be a great way to add a touch of humor to the celebration. However, it's important to be respectful of the couple and their guests, and to keep your jokes brief and to the point.

Here are the main points to remember when writing funny things in a wedding card:

  • Be respectful
  • Keep it brief
  • Use humor that the couple will appreciate
  • Don't be afraid to be yourself

If you follow these tips, you're sure to write funny things in a wedding card that will make the couple and their guests laugh.

Closing Message:

I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any other questions about writing funny things in a wedding card, please don't hesitate to ask.

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