How to RSVP to a Wedding

How to RSVP to a Wedding

Receiving a wedding invitation is an exciting occasion, but it also comes with the responsibility of responding promptly and appropriately. RSVPing, short for "Répondez s'il vous plaît," is the French term for "Please Respond." It is an essential part of wedding planning as it helps the couple determine the number of guests to expect and make necessary arrangements.

RSVPing to a wedding is a straightforward process that requires attention to detail and adherence to etiquette. By following the steps outlined below, you can ensure that your response is both timely and respectful.

To properly RSVP to a wedding invitation, there are several key steps to follow, which will be discussed in detail in the following sections:

How to RSVP to a Wedding

RSVPing to a wedding invitation is an important part of wedding etiquette. To ensure your response is timely and appropriate, follow these 10 key points:

  • Respond promptly
  • Use the provided RSVP card
  • Indicate your attendance
  • Include the names of your guests
  • Specify any dietary restrictions
  • RSVP online if requested
  • Follow up if you don't receive a response
  • Be respectful of the couple's wishes
  • Send a gift if you're unable to attend
  • Decline politely if you cannot attend

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your RSVP is both timely and respectful, and that you contribute to the smooth planning of the wedding.

Respond promptly

One of the most important aspects of RSVPing to a wedding invitation is to respond promptly. The couple has set a deadline for RSVPs for a reason, and it is important to respect their timeline. Responding promptly allows the couple to finalize their guest count, seating chart, and other arrangements in a timely manner.

Ideally, you should RSVP within two weeks of receiving the invitation. If you are unable to do so, it is still important to respond as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the RSVP process or the wedding itself, be sure to contact the couple directly.

There are a few reasons why it is important to RSVP promptly. First, it allows the couple to get a better sense of how many people will be attending their wedding. This information is essential for planning purposes, such as determining the size of the venue, the amount of food and drinks to order, and the number of tables and chairs to set up.

Second, RSVPing promptly helps the couple to create a seating chart. The seating chart is typically based on the RSVPs, so it is important to respond in order to ensure that you are seated with people you know and enjoy. Finally, RSVPing promptly shows the couple that you are respectful of their time and effort. They have put a lot of thought and planning into their wedding, and they deserve to know how many people will be there to celebrate with them.

If you are unable to attend the wedding, it is still important to RSVP and decline politely. The couple will appreciate knowing that you took the time to respond, even if you cannot make it to their big day.

Use the provided RSVP card

The couple will typically include an RSVP card with the wedding invitation. This card is the easiest way to RSVP, as it has all of the necessary information already filled out. All you need to do is fill in the blanks with your name, the number of guests in your party, and any dietary restrictions. You can then mail the RSVP card back to the couple in the provided envelope.

  • Benefits of using the RSVP card:

    There are several benefits to using the provided RSVP card. First, it is the most convenient way to RSVP. The card has all of the necessary information already filled out, so you don't have to worry about forgetting anything. Second, using the RSVP card helps to ensure that your response is received by the couple. If you RSVP online or by phone, there is a chance that your response could get lost or overlooked. Finally, using the RSVP card shows the couple that you are respectful of their time and effort. They have taken the time to create a beautiful invitation and RSVP card, and they deserve to have their guests RSVP in the same manner.

  • What to do if you lose the RSVP card:

    If you lose the RSVP card, you can still RSVP online or by phone. However, it is important to contact the couple directly to let them know that you have lost the card. This will help to ensure that your RSVP is not overlooked.

  • What to do if you need to make changes to your RSVP:

    If you need to make changes to your RSVP, such as changing the number of guests in your party or your dietary restrictions, you should contact the couple directly. They will be able to update your RSVP and make sure that the changes are reflected in their plans.

  • RSVPing for a destination wedding:

    If you are RSVPing for a destination wedding, it is important to do so as soon as possible. This will give the couple time to make arrangements for your travel and accommodations.

No matter how you choose to RSVP, it is important to do so promptly and respectfully. By following these guidelines, you can help the couple to plan their wedding day without any unnecessary stress.

Indicate your attendance

One of the most important parts of RSVPing to a wedding invitation is to indicate your attendance. The couple needs to know how many people will be attending their wedding so that they can make the necessary arrangements. When indicating your attendance, be sure to include the following information:

  • Your name:

    Write your name exactly as it appears on the invitation. This will help the couple to identify your RSVP.

  • Number of guests:

    Indicate the number of guests who will be attending the wedding with you. If you are bringing a plus one, be sure to include their name on the RSVP card.

  • Dietary restrictions:

    If you have any dietary restrictions, be sure to indicate them on the RSVP card. This will help the couple to plan the menu accordingly.

  • Whether or not you can attend:

    If you are unable to attend the wedding, be sure to indicate this on the RSVP card. The couple will appreciate knowing that you took the time to respond, even if you cannot make it to their big day.

Once you have filled out the RSVP card, be sure to mail it back to the couple in the provided envelope. You can also RSVP online or by phone, but it is important to contact the couple directly to let them know that you have RSVPed.

Include the names of your guests

If you are bringing a plus one to the wedding, be sure to include their name on the RSVP card. The couple needs to know the names of all of their guests so that they can create a seating chart and make other arrangements.

  • How to include your guest's name:

    There are two ways to include your guest's name on the RSVP card. First, you can write their name in the space provided on the card. Second, you can write your guest's name on a separate piece of paper and attach it to the RSVP card. Be sure to write your guest's name legibly so that the couple can easily identify them.

  • What to do if you don't know your guest's name:

    If you don't know your guest's name, you can RSVP for yourself and indicate that you will be bringing a guest. The couple will then contact you to get your guest's name.

  • What to do if your guest's name changes:

    If your guest's name changes after you have RSVPed, be sure to contact the couple and let them know. The couple will need to update their seating chart and other arrangements accordingly.

  • What to do if you are bringing more guests than indicated on the RSVP card:

    If you are bringing more guests than indicated on the RSVP card, be sure to contact the couple as soon as possible. The couple may need to make additional arrangements to accommodate your extra guests.

By including the names of your guests on the RSVP card, you are helping the couple to plan their wedding day without any unnecessary stress.

Specify any dietary restrictions

If you have any dietary restrictions, be sure to indicate them on the RSVP card. This will help the couple to plan the menu accordingly. Some common dietary restrictions include allergies to certain foods, such as nuts, dairy, or gluten. Other dietary restrictions may be based on religious or ethical beliefs, such as vegetarianism or veganism.

When specifying your dietary restrictions, be as specific as possible. For example, if you have a nut allergy, indicate which types of nuts you are allergic to. If you are vegetarian, indicate whether you eat eggs or dairy products. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for the couple to accommodate your dietary needs.

If you have any questions about the menu or if you have any special dietary requests, be sure to contact the couple directly. They will be happy to work with you to create a menu that meets your needs.

By specifying your dietary restrictions on the RSVP card, you are helping the couple to plan a wedding that is inclusive and enjoyable for all of their guests.

RSVP online if requested

Some couples may request that their guests RSVP online. This is a convenient option for both the couple and the guests. Guests can RSVP online at their convenience, and the couple can track their RSVPs in real time.

  • How to RSVP online:

    To RSVP online, simply click on the RSVP link provided by the couple. You will then be taken to a website where you can enter your information and submit your RSVP.

  • What to do if you don't have access to the internet:

    If you do not have access to the internet, you can still RSVP by mail or phone. Be sure to contact the couple directly to let them know that you will be RSVPing by mail or phone.

  • What to do if you have any questions about RSVPing online:

    If you have any questions about RSVPing online, be sure to contact the couple directly. They will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.

  • Benefits of RSVPing online:

    There are several benefits to RSVPing online. First, it is convenient for both the couple and the guests. Second, RSVPing online helps the couple to track their RSVPs in real time. Third, RSVPing online reduces the risk of errors.

If the couple has requested that you RSVP online, be sure to do so as soon as possible. This will help the couple to plan their wedding day without any unnecessary stress.

Follow up if you don't receive a response

If you have RSVPed to a wedding but have not received a response, it is important to follow up. The couple may have lost your RSVP or it may have been overlooked. By following up, you can ensure that your RSVP is received and that you are included in the couple's plans.

  • When to follow up:

    It is best to follow up about two weeks after you have RSVPed. This gives the couple time to receive and process your RSVP. If you have not received a response after two weeks, you can follow up again.

  • How to follow up:

    You can follow up by phone, email, or text message. Be polite and respectful, and simply ask if the couple has received your RSVP. You can also ask if there is any additional information that you need to provide.

  • What to do if you still don't receive a response:

    If you have followed up multiple times and still have not received a response, you may want to contact the couple directly. You can reach out to the couple by phone, email, or text message. Be polite and respectful, and simply ask if they have received your RSVP. You can also ask if there is any additional information that you need to provide.

  • Why it is important to follow up:

    It is important to follow up if you have not received a response to your RSVP because you want to ensure that you are included in the couple's plans. The couple may have lost your RSVP or it may have been overlooked. By following up, you can ensure that your RSVP is received and that you are included in the couple's plans.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your RSVP is received and that you are included in the couple's plans.

Be respectful of the couple's wishes

When RSVPing to a wedding, it is important to be respectful of the couple's wishes. The couple has put a lot of thought and planning into their wedding, and they want their guests to have a good time. By following their wishes, you can help to make their wedding day special.

  • Respect the RSVP deadline:

    The couple has set an RSVP deadline for a reason. It is important to respect this deadline so that the couple can finalize their plans. If you cannot RSVP by the deadline, be sure to contact the couple and let them know.

  • Indicate your attendance accurately:

    When you RSVP, be sure to indicate your attendance accurately. The couple needs to know how many guests to expect so that they can make the necessary arrangements.

  • Follow the dress code:

    If the couple has specified a dress code for their wedding, be sure to follow it. This shows that you respect their wishes and that you want to be a part of their special day.

  • Be on time for the ceremony and reception:

    It is important to be on time for the ceremony and reception. This shows that you respect the couple's time and that you are excited to celebrate with them.

By following these tips, you can show the couple that you respect their wishes and that you want to be a part of their special day.

Send a gift if you're unable to attend

If you are unable to attend a wedding, it is still important to send a gift. This shows the couple that you are thinking of them and that you wish them well on their wedding day.

  • What to send:

    When choosing a gift, it is important to consider the couple's tastes and interests. You can also choose a gift that is related to their wedding theme or destination. If you are unsure what to send, you can always ask the couple for suggestions.

  • When to send the gift:

    It is best to send the gift as close to the wedding date as possible. This will ensure that the couple receives your gift before their wedding day.

  • How to send the gift:

    You can send the gift directly to the couple's home or to the wedding venue. If you are sending the gift to the wedding venue, be sure to include the couple's name and wedding date on the package.

  • What to write in the gift note:

    In the gift note, be sure to congratulate the couple and wish them well on their wedding day. You can also include a personal message or anecdote.

By sending a gift, you can show the couple that you are thinking of them and that you wish them well on their wedding day.

Decline politely if you cannot attend

If you are unable to attend a wedding, it is important to decline politely. This shows the couple that you appreciate their invitation and that you wish them well on their wedding day.

When declining an invitation, it is important to be clear and concise. You do not need to go into detail about why you cannot attend. However, you may want to offer a brief explanation, such as a prior commitment or a family obligation.

It is also important to be sincere in your regrets. Let the couple know that you are disappointed that you cannot attend their wedding. You can also express your well wishes for their happiness and success.

Here is an example of a polite RSVP decline:

Dear [Couple's names], Thank you for the invitation to your wedding. I am so sorry to inform you that I will not be able to attend. I have a prior commitment that I cannot reschedule. I am truly disappointed that I will not be able to celebrate your special day with you. I wish you all the happiness and success in the world. Congratulations! Sincerely, [Your name]


Here are some frequently asked questions about RSVPing to a wedding:

Question 1: What is the best way to RSVP to a wedding?
Answer: The best way to RSVP to a wedding is to use the provided RSVP card. This is the easiest and most convenient way to RSVP, as it has all of the necessary information already filled out.

Question 2: What do I do if I lose the RSVP card?
Answer: If you lose the RSVP card, you can still RSVP online or by phone. However, it is important to contact the couple directly to let them know that you have lost the card.

Question 3: What do I do if I need to make changes to my RSVP?
Answer: If you need to make changes to your RSVP, such as changing the number of guests in your party or your dietary restrictions, you should contact the couple directly. They will be able to update your RSVP and make sure that the changes are reflected in their plans.

Question 4: What is the deadline for RSVPing?
Answer: The RSVP deadline is typically stated on the invitation. It is important to RSVP by the deadline so that the couple can finalize their plans.

Question 5: What do I do if I cannot attend the wedding?
Answer: If you cannot attend the wedding, it is important to decline politely. You can do this by sending a written note or by calling the couple directly.

Question 6: What do I do if I have any other questions about RSVPing?
Answer: If you have any other questions about RSVPing, you should contact the couple directly. They will be happy to answer your questions and help you with the RSVP process.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Here are a few tips to help you RSVP to a wedding:

Tip 1: Respond promptly. The couple has set an RSVP deadline for a reason. It is important to respect this deadline so that the couple can finalize their plans.

Tip 2: Use the provided RSVP card. This is the easiest and most convenient way to RSVP, as it has all of the necessary information already filled out.

Tip 3: Be clear and concise. When you RSVP, be sure to indicate your attendance accurately and include any dietary restrictions or other special requests.

Tip 4: Be respectful of the couple's wishes. If the couple has specified a dress code or other preferences, be sure to follow them.

By following these tips, you can help the couple to plan their wedding day without any unnecessary stress.


RSVPing to a wedding is an important part of wedding etiquette. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your RSVP is timely, accurate, and respectful of the couple's wishes.

Here is a summary of the main points:

  • Respond promptly.
  • Use the provided RSVP card.
  • Indicate your attendance accurately.
  • Include any dietary restrictions or other special requests.
  • Be respectful of the couple's wishes.

By following these simple tips, you can help the couple to plan their wedding day without any unnecessary stress. RSVPing to a wedding should be a simple and straightforward process. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that your RSVP is handled promptly and respectfully.

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