Wedding Wishes in Islam

Wedding Wishes in Islam

When attending a Muslim wedding, it's important to convey your well wishes to the newlyweds in a way that is both meaningful and respectful of Islamic traditions. While there are many ways to express your congratulations, certain phrases and sentiments are particularly appropriate for this special occasion.

The primary goal of wedding wishes in Islam is to invoke blessings and prayers for the couple's happiness, prosperity, and spiritual well-being. This can be achieved through the use of specific dua (supplications) and Quranic verses that are believed to bring blessings upon the newlyweds.

In the following paragraphs, we will explore some of the most common and meaningful wedding wishes in Islam and provide their translations for better understanding:

wedding wishes in islam

To ensure that your well wishes are in line with Islamic traditions, here are 8 important points to keep in mind:

  • **Felicitations:** Offer congratulations to the couple.
  • **Dua for Happiness:** Invoke blessings for their joy.
  • **Dua for Prosperity:** Pray for their material well-being.
  • **Dua for Piety:** Ask for their spiritual guidance.
  • **Quote from Quran:** Share a relevant verse from the Quran.
  • **Hadith about Marriage:** Mention a saying of Prophet Muhammad about marriage.
  • **Advice on Patience:** Encourage them to persevere through challenges.
  • **Prayer for Offspring:** Ask for Allah's blessings for children.

By incorporating these elements into your wedding wishes, you can convey your sincere prayers and blessings for the couple's blessed journey together.

**Felicitations:** Offer congratulations to the couple.

When expressing your felicitations to the newlyweds, it's important to use language that is both heartfelt and respectful of Islamic traditions. Here are four common phrases you can use:

  • Mabrook!

    This is a widely used Arabic term that simply means "congratulations." It is a straightforward and concise way to convey your well wishes.

  • Baarakallahu lakuma wa baaraka alaykuma wa jamaa baynakuma fi khair.

    This is a more elaborate phrase that translates to "May Allah bless you both and bless your union and bring you together in goodness." It is a dua (supplication) that invokes divine blessings upon the couple.

  • Alfa mubarak!

    This phrase means "Congratulations on your new beginning." It acknowledges the start of the couple's new life together and wishes them well on their journey.

  • May your marriage be filled with love, happiness, and blessings.

    This is a more general phrase that conveys your heartfelt wishes for the couple's future. It is a simple but meaningful way to express your joy and support.

When offering your congratulations, it is customary to shake hands with the groom and offer a warm embrace to the bride, if culturally appropriate. Be mindful of the couple's comfort level and respect their personal space.

**Dua for Happiness:** Invoke blessings for their joy.

In Islam, happiness is considered a blessing from Allah, and it is important to ask for His favor in this regard. Here are four duas (supplications) you can use to invoke blessings for the couple's happiness:

  • Rabbi hab lahuma min ladunka rahmatan innaka anta al-wahhab.

    This dua means "Our Lord, bestow upon them mercy from You, indeed You are the Bestower." It is a plea to Allah to shower the couple with His mercy and blessings.

  • Allahumma is'adhuma fi الدارين.

    This dua translates to "O Allah, make them happy in this world and the hereafter." It is a prayer for the couple's happiness not only in their earthly life but also in the eternal life to come.

  • Allahumma at'af bihima wa la tu'af 'alaihima.

    This dua means "O Allah, be compassionate towards them and do not be harsh with them." It is a plea to Allah to show the couple His compassion and kindness.

  • Allahumma inni as'aluka an tarzuqahuma min khayratika wa rizqika al-wasi'.

    This dua translates to "O Allah, I ask You to provide them with Your goodness and abundant sustenance." It is a prayer for the couple's material and spiritual well-being.

When making these duas, it is important to be sincere and heartfelt in your intentions. You can also personalize the duas by adding the couple's names or specific requests for their happiness.

**Dua for Prosperity:** for their material well-being

In addition to spiritual well-being, material well-being is also important for a happy and stable married life. Here are four duas (supplications) you can use to invoke blessings for the couple's material sustenance and comfort:

  • Allahumma arzuqhuma al-rizqa al-halal al-tayyib.

    This dua means "O Allah, provide them with lawful and pure sustenance." It is a prayer for the couple to be blessed with sustenance that is both permissible and wholesome.

  • Allahumma ikfinihuma wa la tuhtijhuma.

    This dua translates to "O Allah, grant them sufficiency and do not make them needy." It is a supplication for the couple to be protected from poverty and destitution.

  • Allahumma barik lahuma fi rizqih Jesse.

    This dua means "O Allah, bless their sustenance." It is a prayer for the couple's sustenance to be increased and blessed, bringing them abundance and contentment.

  • Allahumma aftihima min khayratika al-wasi'.

    This dua translates to "O Allah, provide them from Your vast bounty." It is a supplication for the couple to be granted provision from Allah's limitless treasures, encompassing both material and spiritual blessings.

When making these duas, it is important to be genuine and have full faith in Allah's power to provide and sustain. You can also add specific requests for the couple's financial well-being, such as success in their professions or a stable income.

**Dua for Piety:** Ask for their spiritual guidance.

In Islam, piety (taqwa) is of utmost importance, as it forms the foundation of a righteous and fulfilling life. Here are four duas (supplications) you can use to invoke blessings for the couple's spiritual guidance and steadfastness:

Allahumma ihdihuma ilaa siraatika al-mustaqeem.
This dua means "O Allah, guide them to Your straight path." It is a prayer for the couple to be guided towards the path of righteousness and obedience to Allah's commands.

Allahumma thabbit qalbuhuma alaa deenik.
This dua translates to "O Allah, make their hearts firm upon Your religion." It is a supplication for the couple to be granted steadfastness and unwavering faith in Islam.

Allahumma naqqihuma min al-dhunoob wa al-khataaya.
This dua means "O Allah, purify them from sins and wrongdoings." It is a prayer for the couple to be cleansed of their past transgressions and to be protected from future sins.

Allahumma a'inuhuma alaa ta'atihika wa ijtinab muharramatika.
This dua translates to "O Allah, help them to obey You and avoid what is forbidden." It is a supplication for the couple to be granted the strength and guidance to fulfill their religious obligations and refrain from prohibited actions.

**Quote from Quran:** Share a relevant verse from the Quran.

The Quran is the holy book of Islam and contains divine guidance and wisdom. Including a verse from the Quran in your wedding wishes adds a touch of spiritual significance and blessing to the occasion. Here are four Quranic verses that are particularly relevant and meaningful for newlyweds:

  • "And among His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who give thought." (Quran 30:21)

    This verse highlights the divine purpose of marriage as a source of comfort, love, and mutual support.

  • "And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good." (Quran 4:19)

    This verse emphasizes the importance of treating one's spouse with kindness and compassion, even in times of difficulty.

  • "O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed achieved a great success." (Quran 33:70-71)

    This verse reminds the couple of their obligations to Allah and encourages them to lead righteous lives together.

  • "And He it is who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then settled Himself above the Throne. He knows what enters the earth and what emerges from it and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein; and He is with you wherever you are. And Allah is Seeing of what you do." (Quran 57:4)

    This verse instills a sense of divine presence and protection, assuring the couple that Allah is with them on their journey.

When sharing a Quranic verse as part of your wedding wishes, be sure to convey its meaning and significance to the couple. This will help them appreciate the depth and beauty of the message and will serve as a reminder of the sacred nature of their union.

**Hadith about Marriage:** Mention a saying of Prophet Muhammad about marriage.

The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) provide valuable guidance on all aspects of life, including marriage. Here are four hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) that are particularly relevant and meaningful for newlyweds:

"The best of you are those who are best to their wives." (Tirmidhi)
This hadith emphasizes the importance of treating one's spouse with love, kindness, and respect.

"Marry women who are loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers before the other nations." (Ahmad)
This hadith encourages Muslims to seek spouses who possess qualities that will contribute to a happy and fulfilling marriage and family life.

"The world is a provision and the best provision of the world is a righteous wife." (Muslim)
This hadith highlights the value of having a righteous and virtuous spouse who brings joy and contentment to one's life.

"When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion; so let him fear Allah regarding the remaining half." (Baihaqi)
This hadith reminds the couple that marriage is a sacred institution that requires them to fulfill their religious obligations and to strive for righteousness in all aspects of their lives.

**Advice on Patience:** Encourage them to persevere through challenges.

Marriage is not always a smooth journey, and there will inevitably be challenges and disagreements along the way. It is important for newlyweds to be aware of this and to be prepared to face these challenges with patience and understanding.

One way to encourage patience is to remind the couple of the following hadith (saying of Prophet Muhammad): "The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best of you to my family." (Tirmidhi) This hadith sets a high standard of conduct for spouses, encouraging them to treat each other with kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, even in difficult times.

It is also important to remind the couple that Allah tests His servants with trials and tribulations, and that these challenges can help them to grow and develop as individuals and as a couple. As Allah says in the Quran: "And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives, and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient." (Quran 2:155)

By encouraging the newlyweds to be patient and to seek Allah's help in overcoming challenges, you can help them to build a strong and resilient marriage that will withstand the ups and downs of life.

**Prayer for Offspring:** Ask for Allah's blessings for children.

For many couples, having children is an important part of their marriage and family life. As such, it is appropriate to include a prayer for offspring in your wedding wishes. Here are a few ways to do so:

"May Allah bless you both with righteous children who will be the coolness of your eyes and the joy of your hearts."

"May Allah grant you a pious and loving family, and may your children be a source of pride and happiness for you."

"May Allah make your marriage a means of increasing the Muslim ummah (community), and may your children be strong and healthy contributors to society."

"May Allah bestow upon you the gift of children who are obedient to Him and to you, and who will bring you comfort and joy in this life and the next."

When making this prayer, it is important to be sincere and heartfelt in your intentions. You can also personalize the prayer by adding the couple's names or specific requests for their children.


Here are some frequently asked questions about wedding wishes in Islam:

Question 1: What are the most important things to keep in mind when offering wedding wishes in Islam?
Answer: When offering wedding wishes in Islam, it is important to be sincere, respectful, and mindful of Islamic traditions. Focus on invoking blessings and prayers for the couple's happiness, prosperity, and spiritual well-being.

Question 2: What are some common phrases I can use to congratulate the couple?
Answer: Some common phrases you can use to congratulate the couple include "Mabrook!" (Congratulations), "Baarakallahu lakuma wa baaraka alaykuma wa jamaa baynakuma fi khair." (May Allah bless you both and bless your union and bring you together in goodness), and "Alfa mubarak!" (Congratulations on your new beginning).

Question 3: How can I pray for the couple's happiness?
Answer: You can pray for the couple's happiness by saying duas (supplications) such as "Rabbi hab lahuma min ladunka rahmatan innaka anta al-wahhab." (Our Lord, bestow upon them mercy from You, indeed You are the Bestower) and "Allahumma is'adhuma fi الدارين." (O Allah, make them happy in this world and the hereafter).

Question 4: What are some ways to invoke blessings for the couple's material well-being?
Answer: You can invoke blessings for the couple's material well-being by making duas such as "Allahumma arzuqhuma al-rizqa al-halal al-tayyib." (O Allah, provide them with lawful and pure sustenance) and "Allahumma ikfinihuma wa la tuhtijhuma." (O Allah, grant them sufficiency and do not make them needy).

Question 5: How can I pray for the couple's spiritual guidance?
Answer: You can pray for the couple's spiritual guidance by saying duas such as "Allahumma ihdihuma ilaa siraatika al-mustaqeem." (O Allah, guide them to Your straight path) and "Allahumma thabbit qalbuhuma alaa deenik." (O Allah, make their hearts firm upon Your religion).

Question 6: Is it appropriate to share a Quranic verse or a hadith in my wedding wishes?
Answer: Yes, it is considered appropriate and meaningful to share a relevant Quranic verse or a hadith in your wedding wishes. This adds a touch of spiritual significance and serves as a reminder of the sacred nature of marriage in Islam.

Question 7: How should I conclude my wedding wishes?
Answer: You can conclude your wedding wishes by expressing your hope that the couple will have a blessed and fulfilling marriage, and by asking Allah to guide and protect them throughout their lives together.


Here are a few practical tips for offering wedding wishes in Islam:

Be sincere and heartfelt. Your words should come from a genuine place of love and well wishes for the couple.

Be respectful of Islamic traditions. Avoid using phrases or gestures that may be considered inappropriate or offensive in an Islamic context.

Keep your wishes brief and to the point. A few well-chosen words are more meaningful than a long and rambling speech.

Personalize your wishes. If you know the couple well, you can include specific details or anecdotes that make your wishes more heartfelt and memorable.


In conclusion, offering wedding wishes in Islam is an opportunity to express your joy and support for the newlyweds while also invoking blessings and prayers for their happiness and well-being. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your wishes are sincere, respectful, and meaningful.

Remember that the most important aspect of wedding wishes in Islam is the intention behind them. When you offer your wishes with a pure heart and a genuine desire for the couple's happiness, your words will have a profound impact on their lives together.

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